009: From Trauma to Purpose and Abundance with Britta Aragon


Many of us stumble through life gripped by fear and doubt. We *know* we shouldn’t be giving in to the worries running across the train tracks of our mind and yet… we struggle to find our faith when we need it the most.

Our podcast guest this week knows this all too well. Britta Aragon has overcome cancer, divorce, built and sold a skincare company, packed up her life to solo travel for 18 months and much more. She has found a way to navigate the highs and lows of life in a fascinating way that she is generously sharing on the podcast this week.

Britta is a warm and bright spirit, she exudes the kind of welcoming energy that only arises in us when we’ve allowed ourselves to participate in life humbly and fully. I am grateful and excited that I get to introduce you to her!

In this podcast episode, Britta, myself (and you!) will explore:

  • Britta’s surprising response to her cancer diagnosis

  • How to allow your abundance to increase and increase and increase…

  • The one crucial shift to make if you want a lifetime of financial prosperity

  • Britta’s favorite abundance teachings from A Course in Miracles and beyond

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About Britta:

Britta Aragon is a passionate Master Purpose + Vision Coach. Britta often does a deep dive helping students dismantle their fears and self-limiting beliefs so they can create a life beyond their wildest dreams with principles from A Course in Miracles and Quantum Physics. A Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer survivor, Britta wrote her first book, When Cancer Hits, in 2012. At 40, Britta took her own huge leap of faith, leaving her marriage, selling her skincare line and business, and put all her belongings from her NYC apartment in a storage unit except two suitcases. Over the next 18 months, she solo traveled to 12 countries and reclaimed the life her soul was searching for as she built her successful coaching and retreat company, Detox Your Life Inc. Now, a single vibrant woman living in Miami, Florida, Britta spends her days walking the beach, planning her world-class destination retreats, and guiding souls to break glass ceilings so they can live their most authentic truth and vision. Britta’s work has been featured in People En Español, US Weekly, Telemundo 52, Real Simple Magazine, Allure, Vogue, Refinery 29 and more.

Connect with Britta through her website, on Facebook or on Instagram. Sign up for her free event 7-Day Fear Detox: Face Your Fears & Transform Your Life in 7 Days!

With love,

Hanna x

P.S. Ready to transform your relationship with money, too? Let’s chat on a free Money Bliss Strategy Call.


010: Business With Heart With Kiva Schuler


008: Installing Your Winning Money Mindset with Jill Douka