Jessica’s Money Success Story


I just LOVE success stories! Every day, my clients inspire me with their stories of self-belief, new action and bold choices.

It’s the best part of my job!

My client Jessica used the resources in her Money Bliss program and the results are in! She completely overhauled her entire life and what she accomplished is just incredible.

Here’s Jessica’s amazing story for you:

"When I came to Hanna, I was literally at rock bottom. I was completely out of money, spending compulsively, I didn't have any energy to work on my business and was ready to shut it down. I was absolutely burned out, both financially and emotionally. 

Worst of all, I wasn't present for my kids and that really hurt.

I was very nervous to sign up for my program but once I did, I could feel it working right away. The dark cloud started lifting and I started to think differently about my work and finances. I began decluttering my home, started selling things I didn't need and set some new goals for my spending. 

Then, one day, as I was working on my Money Bliss homework, I received a call from a company that helps people with their debt. They helped me get on a debt reduction plan that saves me $700 a month and eliminated the accruing interest on my credit cards. This was monumental and felt like such a relief. 

I shifted my relationship with my business and manifested an amazing brokerage that has taken over the parts of my business that I don't like. I am now a successful real estate agent again and loving the work I get to do! I've also set some new income goals that feel expansive and absolutely achievable. I am already well on my way there.

I feel creative again. I feel full of sunshine. This new place of self-worth and clarity showed me that it was time to complete my current relationship, which I had been holding off on doing for a while. I am now making decisions in my best interest and they are paying off big time! 

I am so glad I joined Money Bliss. Hanna helped me heal my relationship with money, but she also helped me heal my relationship with myself.”

Congrats Jessica and great job! I am so honored I get to be your coach and cheer you on. Can’t wait to see what you’ll create next :)

With love,

Hanna x

P.S. Ready to transform your relationship with money, too? Let’s chat on a free Money Bliss Strategy Call.


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