The 5 Core Pillars of the Money Bliss Method


You've probably got a clear-ish idea of the life you are working toward… You're working on doubling your income, growing your savings to six or seven figures, transitioning into your dream job… or something else entirely… but you are struggling to actually get from here to there.

You may have tried abundance meditations, even read books on managing your finances. You’ve used willpower and gold old elbow grease. And yet, the thriving career, growing savings cushion and comfy income still feels far away.

You are beginning to realize that doing more of the same won’t bring you the new results you're looking for. You’re discovering that this “money thing” is more of an inner rather than an outer game because only focusing your external actions will only ever get you as far as you've already come.

Deep breath. You are in the perfect place.

(And just in case you are wondering: There is NOTHING (not a single thing) wrong with you. You don’t need to work harder. Your money situation is not related to your worth as a human being at all. And yes - with the right support, it can (and will) get better! I promise.)

Let me share with you a new and radical approach to money. Here’s how and why it works:

Here are the 5 Core Pillars of the Money Bliss Method

1. Assessment of Your Current Situation with Money

We start by diving deeply into your current relationship to money, asking: How much love in the form of money are you currently allowing into your life? And how much can we stretch your capacity to receive love in the form of money… So a lack of money will no longer be the reason that you “can’t” or that you “have to”.

2. Shift Your Family System for More Financial Success

The next step is to explore your families’ history with money, asking: What’s the wealth set point that has been imprinted in you? What are the family patterns you are subscribed to? What's the healing you and your family need? This potent inquiry allows us to identify the wounds we need to heal.

3. Healing Your Personal Money Wounds

Next, we’ll activate the Money Bliss Energy Tools. I’ll guide you to connect to an infinite fountain of energy (you’ll actually FEEL the power rushing through you… you’ll love it… it’s a delightful feeling <3) A beautiful warm feeling will envelop you as your body is starting to release decades worth of stress and trauma…

4. Growing Your Abundance

We’ll use the Money Bliss Energy Tools to clear your blocks, one by one.You’ll release any physical, emotional or spiritual tensions… (It's kinda like going to the spa for your insides). You’ll feel cleaner, clearer, lighter and brighter. And celebrate just how easily money is created (and grown) in your life!

5. Implementation of Your New Money Reality

Now that your energy is much cleaner…We will be able to see exactly what you authentically desire, based on what actually fits YOUR money goals moving forward.

You’ll be impeccably supported as your evolution and expansion unfolds in front of your eyes.

With love,

Hanna x

P.S. Ready to transform your relationship with money, too? Let’s chat on a free Money Bliss Strategy Call.


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