The 6 Question Quiz to Score Your Relationship With Money


If you’re anything like my clients and I, then you may not have had many (or any) positive role models with money growing up.

But you did get a front row seat what you definitely DON’T want: 

  • Stress, fear and worry about money

  • Fights over money

  • Hearing our caretakers talk about how they “have to” or how they “can’t” because of money

  • Shame around how money was created (especially those of us who come from generational wealth)

  • Money feeling more important than love

Now you might be wondering: What does a healthy relationship with money ACTUALLY look like? The quiz below will answer that question for you.

You will discover exactly where you are on the path of cultivating a healthy and thriving relationship with money. The quiz will also reveal to you what your life will be like once you’ve mastered the game of money.

Ready? Let’s go:

Take the 6 Question Quiz to Score Your Relationship With Money

1. I have found my dharma - I love the work I do.

How true is this statement about you in this moment? 1 being “not true at all” and 10 being “yes, absolutely true”. Your score: __________ (1-10)

2. I make a lovely profit each month. I always earn significantly more than I spend.

Your score: __________ (1-10)

3. My savings and investments are growing steadily at a rate I am happy with.

Your score: __________ (1-10)

4. I have a clear idea of the life I wish to lead and I am taking active steps to implement this vision every day.

Your score: __________ (1-10)

5. I feel confident and capable when making financial decisions.

Your score: __________ (1-10)

6. I sleep soundly at night knowing that I am abundantly taken care of.

Your score: __________ (1-10)

Deep breath. Great job!

Now that you’ve completed this quiz, take a moment to look at your scores: How do you feel about your results? Think about what it will be like to score a 10 for each statement.

Can you see how much easier life will be when you’ve got this “money thing” down pat? When it’s the easiest and most flowing area of your life?

Here’s one thing I know for sure: You can absolutely cultivate a healthy and blissful relationship with money… one that’s positive and life affirming, without being heavy, hard or shame-y.

It’s what we do in Money Bliss every day :)

With love,

Hanna x

P.S. Ready to transform your relationship with money, too? Let’s chat on a free Money Bliss Strategy Call.


The 5 Core Pillars of the Money Bliss Method


011: Taking The Leap Into a New Reality With Money With Money Bliss Member Allison